Thursday, November 22, 2007

How do you communicate about communication?

I held a lecture today about communication. I prepared the lecture the whole evening yesterday. I made a powerpoint and some notes what to speak about. Well, I made all sort of preparations. And then just 10 minutes before the lecture I started to ask myself how do I communicate about communication in the best way? I know that only 10% of verbal communication reaches a receiver. The rest is my voice, tone and body language. So I dropped all my preparations and decided to improvise.

I putted all the chairs in a circle to make an open atmosphere for discussion. I started the lecture by telling them that I was a bank, but instead of deposit money I wanted them to give me questions, thoughts and a discussion. The more they deposited the more knowledge they would receive. By improvising, let them decide what they wanted to learn and keep a discussion, it became a very good lecture I think. And at the end they learned everything I had on my powerpoint but in a different way. I can only hope that more than 10% of my communication about communication reached to them.

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