Thursday, September 13, 2007

Finished project

We just finished our project in the course organization diagnostic. During four weeks we worked with Aura Light International AB. Organization diagnostic is all about looking at a company with clear eyes and analyze all their components to find their development areas. The course isn’t only about finding these areas, we have to concentrate on improving one selected area as well. Yesterday we held a presentation for the company about the area that we concentrated on and gave our suggestions how to develop it. They approved our ideas and the plan is to complete our project in a couple of weeks. Since we agreed to their secrecy contract I can’t write detailed about our project.

We held our presentation for the students and the staff of my school today. Everyone was happy with the result and we passed the course without any problems.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the completed course. Whats the next course?

Elin Johansson said...

Coaching and Mentorship, a four week long course. More information to come.